Great action by Pollinator Advocates to defend pollinators, to defend food, biodiversity and health. There is ample evidence of the main effects that electromagnetic fields cause on bees. These include mobile phone antennas, cell phones, electric towers, electric fences, and capacitor plates (Table 1). All the publications made so far allow us to infer that mobile phones and capacitor plates are responsible for the most harmful effects on the viability of bees. The first negatively impacts the metabolism and locomotion of bees, which consequently causes the death of adult bees and even affects the development of larvae and pupae. The latter mainly affects the enzymatic activity of cells, metabolism and locomotion of adult bees. Other effects caused by electromagnetic fields are a reduced learning capacity, dynamic and flight alterations, reduced efforts to find food, DNA damage, increased aggressive behavior and a reduced rate of larvae and egg production.

Studies show that the largest sources of electromagnetic field are transmission lines and mobile telephony, due to global demand, urban expansion and the emergence of new technologies, this represents a latent risk for pollinators and pollination. Experimental studies conducted in laboratories have established that insects can track electromagnetic fields and pass through them, which affects their behavior, cellular development and physiological function, in addition, studies indicated that it can also affect the reproduction and development of bees.

https://scialert.net/fulltext/?doi=pjbs.2023.23.32 (2023)

In this study, the effect of the electromagnetic field (EMF) on the pollination efficiency of bees was evaluated through field and laboratory experiments. First, we measured the expression levels of genes and proteins in metabolic pathways involved in stress and EMF-evoked behavioral responses. Second, we evaluated the effect of electromagnetic fields on bee behavior and seed production of bee-pollinated California poppy, and finally, measuring the consequences of pollination failure on the richness and abundance of the bee. plant community. Exposure to electromagnetic fields exerted strong physiological stress on bees, as evidenced by enhanced expression of heat shock proteins and genes involved in antioxidant activity, and affected the expression levels of behaviorally related genes. Additionally, California poppy specimens growing near the electromagnetic fields received fewer visits from bees and produced fewer seeds than plants growing away from the electromagnetic fields. negative effects on the plant community.

https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/sciadv.adh1455 (2023)

Gabriel Ballesteros at the University of Talca in Chile, and his colleagues exposed 100 honeybees (Apis mellifera) to different levels of high-voltage, low-frequency EMFs in a lab for 3 minutes at a time. Compared with honeybees exposed to low levels, those subjected to more intense EMFs produced about 50 per cent more heat-shock proteins – normally elicited by high heat, these molecules protect cells from stress. The researchers also saw a significant decrease in the expression levels of genes associated with the bees' abilities to forage, form memories and navigate.

https://www.newscientist.com/article/2373396-electromagnetic-fields-from-power-lines-are-messing-with-honeybees/ (2023)

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They know what they're doing. They want the majority of humans dead. They are going after the food supply, the water supply, the health industry and even the air we breathe.

It's easy to debunk their actions with facts because their actions have nothing to do with serving humanity.

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