Many people toss questionable items in their bins hoping they can be recycled, but these often end up in the trash and may even contaminate other recyclables.
Billions of people around the world are struggling to take three meals a day and many others are suffering from hunger and malnutrition in this modern era, while in more developed countries food waste is shamefully high. The damage caused to the environment is enormous, since this waste, often with plastic containers and toxic ingredients ends up being a source of contamination
United States of America is in fact a more developed country is also known for the high rate of food waste, about 760 kilograms per year per inhabitant. About 50% of the food produced in the US ends up in the trash. The huge city of Toronto is the worst one, but on average, for every Canadian about 640 kilograms of food ends up in landfills. In Germany. About 20 million tons of food are discarded in Germany per year, 575 kg of food per person in a year. The Government is doing everything possible to solve this problem, launching campaigns of awareness and reeducation in terms of how to cook and eat, respecting the environment. United Kingdom 565 kilos of food per person each year. The government considers this waste a serious problem, since it negatively affects the economy and the environment. 80% of food that is thrown is made in British homes, in addition to bars, cafes and restaurants.
Each one of us must already begin to be aware of what we buy, what we cook and, above all, what we throw away. More education and more environmental feeling and solidarity with poor countries.
The United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) estimates the world produces enough food waste — about 1.4 billion tons — to feed as many as 2 billion people each year. That’s roughly one-third of the global food supply.
Billions of people around the world are struggling to take three meals a day and many others are suffering from hunger and malnutrition in this modern era, while in more developed countries food waste is shamefully high. The damage caused to the environment is enormous, since this waste, often with plastic containers and toxic ingredients ends up being a source of contamination
United States of America is in fact a more developed country is also known for the high rate of food waste, about 760 kilograms per year per inhabitant. About 50% of the food produced in the US ends up in the trash. The huge city of Toronto is the worst one, but on average, for every Canadian about 640 kilograms of food ends up in landfills. In Germany. About 20 million tons of food are discarded in Germany per year, 575 kg of food per person in a year. The Government is doing everything possible to solve this problem, launching campaigns of awareness and reeducation in terms of how to cook and eat, respecting the environment. United Kingdom 565 kilos of food per person each year. The government considers this waste a serious problem, since it negatively affects the economy and the environment. 80% of food that is thrown is made in British homes, in addition to bars, cafes and restaurants.
Each one of us must already begin to be aware of what we buy, what we cook and, above all, what we throw away. More education and more environmental feeling and solidarity with poor countries.
The United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) estimates the world produces enough food waste — about 1.4 billion tons — to feed as many as 2 billion people each year. That’s roughly one-third of the global food supply.
World's food waste could feed 2 billion people