Man throughout history has been omnivorous, and must respect the land and the animals by raising them happily, not caging them as industrial livestock farming does. DIFFERENCES IN DIGESTIVE SYSTEM BETWEEN HERBIVORES, CARNIVORES AND OMNIVORES

https://www.kiezebrink.eu/en/knowledge-base-pets/differences-in-digestive-system-between-herbivores-carnivores-and-omnivores (2022).--

We are also seeing now that man kills for power and money, in wars, with environmental toxins, with drugs and vaccines, etc. We are seeing psychopaths who are making this world an extermination field, who want to feed us with synthetic meat, media that are directed by agri-food multinationals that promote ultra-processed foods, causing chronic diseases for the benefit of the powerful pharmaceutical industry in coexistence with government institutions,

Our hominid ancestors began consuming meat, fish, shellfish and eggs more than 2 million years ago. There is evidence that during the early phases, where man was developing the great brain feature of our species, the diet changed from plant-based to including meat and fat. The development of tools and weapons and the development of the social structure for hunting animals was necessary to become an omnivore. Gut bacteria help produce brain-derived neurotrophic factor, necessary for the development of new brain cells and essential for plasticity and learning

Then came fire, agriculture and groupings in villages that made life more sedentary, with greater exposure to diseases, which were aggravated by industrialization.

The adoption of industrial agriculture, especially grain agriculture, had clear disadvantages. With agriculture came social inequalities, disease. The cavemen enjoyed more abundant fresh food. They did most of the work without the energy of oil and machines, with their sweat, no rest in the daily struggle, to find wild food and avoid starvation, to defend themselves from animals and other tribes.

Two requirements for the evolution of a large brain: Sociability: Executive functions, self-control, altruism are functions of the frontal lobe for the most part. The second requirement is DHA. Gut bacteria help produce brain-derived neurotrophic factor, which is necessary for the development of new brain cells and is essential for plasticity and learning. There is evidence that during the early phases, where man was developing the great brain feature of our species, the diet changed from plant-based to including meat and fat. The development of tools and weapons and the development of the social structure for hunting animals was necessary to become an omnivore.

Consequently, humans are genetically adapted to obtain nutrients from both plant and animal sources. A more logical diet is an omnivorous, plant-based eating pattern that emphasizes generous consumption of natural, unprocessed, predominantly plant-based foods. To balance this diet, modest amounts of healthy animal foods, such as wild-caught fish/shellfish, pasture-raised meat and eggs, and unsweetened fermented dairy, should be consumed regularly.

https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0033062022000834 (2022).--

https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2014/12/141216082143.htm.----About brain evolution

https://www.yourgenome.org/theme/evolution-of-the-human-brain/ (2023).-- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5624727/ (2017 ).

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