And here I thought this article was going to be about someone raising 7 trillion to stop the New World Order.

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a inexpensive creative assistant would keep AHDD human on tract . from input of that human.

I would like a smart assistant to find the best price for things, I spent an hour looking up RJ45 plugs , to just give up.

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God will not bless the fruits of ChatGpt. The wisdom of this world is foolishness with God...

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Altman's idea is a good one but until AI can be taught to differentiate between truth and fiction 100% of the time the idea is premature. Time and time again the ugly head of unintended consequences rears its head.

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Humanity needs a lot of reflection and laws that protect the ethics of artificial intelligence, especially in aspects of integrity, surveillance and health. Bill Gates being one of the great promoters of artificial intelligence, there is a high probability that if ethical principles are not protected it will transform into another green revolution of profits for large corporations and hunger and loss of rights for the people. The problem is that there are many dangers along the way that can turn it into the new atomic bomb. A world governed by transhumanism can be a world without ethics where legislative bodies from all states in the world need to forge a path forward when it comes to regulating these technologies. The dangers it can pose as a weapon for armies around the world and a tool that serves to enhance cyber attacks on critical infrastructures in all countries in the world.

More than qualified voices are emerging that ask the world to press the pause button regarding AI. Tesla CEO Elon Musk and Apple co-founder Steve Woz have signed a letter along with more than 1,300 experts calling for stopping the development of AI. What's more, British scientist Geoffrey Hinton, one of the creators of AI, resigned from his position as a Google researcher in May, stating in several interviews with important media that more needs to be discovered sooner rather than later on how to control AI.

This lack of regulation creates uncertainty for companies. The European Union is one of the first territories where responsibility in the field of AI has been detailed.

AI is capable of generating fake snapshots of political or business leaders and also imitating anyone's voice. This characteristic in the hands of the wrong people can have serious consequences even for the political system of a country. And it can also cause irreparable damage to companies by seeing their brand image compromised by a counter-campaign created by anyone with access to the appropriate AI tools.

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Innovation without ethical debate and dialogue and respect for human rights will always be a danger to society.

AI changes also raise profound ethical dilemmas, arising from the potential for AI-based systems to reproduce biases, contribute to climate degradation, and threaten human rights, among others. These risks associated with AI add to existing inequalities, further harming historically marginalized groups.

Without ethical barriers you risk reproducing real-world prejudices and discrimination, fueling divisions and threatening human rights and fundamental freedoms.

In this regard, Spanish Law 15/2022 on AI was one of the first to be approved in Europal for equal treatment and non-discrimination, it is the first regulatory approach in the Spanish sphere on the use of artificial intelligence by administrations. public and companies. According to this law, public administrations “will favor the implementation of mechanisms so that the algorithms involved in decision-making used in public administrations take into account criteria for minimizing bias, transparency and accountability, whenever necessary.” technically feasible. Likewise, administrations and companies will promote the use of “ethical, reliable and respectful of fundamental rights” artificial intelligence.

UNIR's online Master in Artificial Intelligence not only trains its students in the five main branches of AI (machine learning, deep learning, planning, natural language processing and computer vision) but also pays attention to the philosophical and ethical implications. and legal in the application of artificial intelligence. a Spanish Artificial Intelligence Supervision Agency (AESIA), which will be in charge of supervising compliance with European regulation on artificial intelligence.

On December 8, 2023, the European institutions reached a provisional political agreement on the world's first comprehensive law on artificial intelligence: the new AI Act. This follows a trialogue consisting of the Commission, the Council and the EU Parliament

Accordingly, AI systems are divided into limited risk systems and high risk systems. Additionally, certain AI systems are prohibited (see point 5 below).

Limited risk AI systems will be subject to transparency requirements. For example, users must be aware of how to interact with an artificial intelligence system.

For AI systems classified as high risk (due to their significant potential harm to health, safety, fundamental rights, the environment, democracy and the rule of law), strict obligations will apply. This includes rules on mandatory fundamental rights impact assessments, as well as (among others) conformity assessments, data governance requirements, registration in an EU database, risk management and quality management systems, transparency , human supervision, accuracy, robustness and cybersecurity. Examples of such systems include certain medical devices, recruiting tools, human resources and worker management, and critical infrastructure management (e.g., water, gas, electricity, etc.).

High-risk AI systems will require extensive governance activities to ensure compliance.

The "2nd World Forum on the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence: Changing the Landscape of AI Governance" took place at the Brdo Congress Center in Kranj on February 5-6, 2024.

Achieving good regulation of AI is one of the most important challenges of our time, as it requires mutual learning based on the lessons and good practices that emerge from different jurisdictions around the world.

This Forum shared the experiences and knowledge of different countries that are at different levels of technological and political development, in order to achieve an exchange focused on mutual learning and promote a dialogue with the private sector, the academic world and a much broader civil society.

https://www.unesco.org/en/forum-ethics-ai?hub=32618 (2024).----

https://www.dentons.com/en/insights/articles/2023/december/14/the-new-eu-ai-act-the-10-key-things-you-need-to-know-now ( 2024).---

https://www.reuters.com/technology/stalled-eu-ai-act-talks-set-resume-2023-12-08/ (2024).---

https://www.boe.es/buscar/act.php?id=BOE-A-2022-11589 (2024).---

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