Jul 13, 2022·edited Jul 28, 2022

Good recs. I’ve been tracking the price of canned chicken (I usually don’t eat canned meat but better than gmo bugs)

https://texbat.substack.com/p/yet-another-canned-chicken-update Up 50% this year. Haven’t seen similar price increases in canned salmon

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you don't need meat to survive, leave the cruelty out of your mouth...

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You’re buying into more BS! As the WEF wants Beta males in the world all the while feed you synthetic meat per Bill Gates. Wake up you’re being lied to again

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Animal proteins are necessary for long-term survival

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Yes, it’s all about cruelty, perfect.

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Our bodies are meant to eat meat. And animals are meant to be harvested.

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that is the most crap i've heard, humans are not meant to eat animals, do you have canines like lions? it is not only cruel beyond belief, it is unhealthy and devastating to our environment, do your research and wake up before all that unhealthy dead animals kill you as they ferment in your body...

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I actually am eating some venison backstrap which my Alaska native son in law shot last fall. Yum!

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You are the one that needs to do some research! It is NOT unhealthy to eat small portions of lean unprocessed organic meats and holistic farming does not harm the environment!

I know seniors that are healthy that have eaten meat all of their lives.

But it is totally unhealthy to eat the crickets that are being put in some human foods as well as sugar, processed foods, preservatives, sodas, and I could go on. Hope you aren't consuming any of that crap.

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Actually humans do have canine teeth.

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What...2 of them?

You think humans are carnivores like wolfs? Yet if meat is not fresh and cooked and we eat it, what happens? We get sick. Yet a wolf can eat meat that Is raw and partially rancid even... And no problem. Do you know why?...

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What a fucking bullshit...

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Please stop showing us pictures of people wearing masks - like it’s normal!

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God gave humans dominion over the earth with general and specific commands re being humane. Animals can be raised humanely and slaughtered humanely for the benefit of humans. If you doubt that the Bible is the one and only infallible Word of God, read Josh McDowell's 1980's book: Evidence that Demands a Verdict. If you think of what overwhelming evidence would look like that the Bible is what it claims to be, then multiply that by 100, you will see such evidence in that book.

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Buy directly from Lehman’s at https://www.lehmans.com/

Let’s stop building our own prison by supporting Amazon.

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Dr Mercola is writing for NORMAL people.

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Humans have been eating meat for millions of years. We are genetically programmed to do so. Look at the diet of the Inuit Eskimos - fish, polar bears and what have you, and their bodies produce their own vitamin C to make up for the lack of it in their diet. When they eat western type diets they actually get sick.

Have you ever watch a pack of lions eat the guts out of a deer or other animal while it is still alive, on one of the many nature programs? That's mother nature for you - cruel as. Welcome to the real world. At least us humans are, or can be, more humane about it (corporate owned CAFOs excepted).

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Lehman's Canned Beef, chicken, Ground beef, Pork, and Turkey is no longer available on Amazon! Get it on Lehman's actual website. They have just about everything you need when going off the grid or for emergency equipment.

*This post is in no way affiliated with this website. I was brought there by YouTuber Justin Rhodes via The Grow Network.*


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Can we just be civil? Some people do well with a vegan diet, some people can't. If we continue to play the "divide and conquer" game fighting amongst ourselves WE WILL LOSE this fight for Liberty and Justice! We must come together and stop the parasitic class from taking it all. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, stop the fighting please!

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Can definitively agree with that

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