It is very important that the milk is raw and from animals created with grass. In many ways, raw milk is similar to breast milk: both are all-natural, fresh, unprocessed milks. Both contain a wide variety of essential nutrients, fats, proteins, anti-inflammatory and digestive enzymes, vitamins and bioavailable minerals, all in a natural form that is more easily used by the body. Additionally, raw milk facilitates the production of the enzyme lactase in the intestinal tract, allowing many lactose intolerant people to digest raw milk without problems.---

1) Significant and reproducible evidence from large cross-sectional and cohort studies in several countries on a protective effect of consumption of raw farm milk in childhood against the development of asthma and allergic diseases.--

2) Significant and reproducible evidence from large cross-sectional and cohort studies in several countries on a protective effect of consumption of raw farm milk in childhood against the development of asthma and allergic diseases.--

3) Many cell signaling pathways are activated by consumption of raw farm milk, particularly promoting the maturation of regulatory T cells and epigenetic control of gene expression.--

4) Raw farm milk is a complex substance containing many bioactive components, including whey proteins, transcription factors, immunoglobulins, omega-3 fats and microRNAs.--

Commercial milk processing, including pasteurization, homogenization, and centrifugation, denatures bioactive proteins and RNA molecules and alters the bioavailability of fat-soluble components.---


Cows that eat fresh grass produce milk with five times more unsaturated fat, called conjugated linoleic acid (CLA).

Hannia Campos of the Harvard School of Public Health in Boston found that those with the highest concentrations of CLA were 36 percent less likely to have a heart attack, compared to those with the lowest levels.

https://www.intramed.net/contenidover.asp?contenidoid=65864 .----

Milk from animals raised with unnatural feed contaminated with glyphosate, the synergy of gluten and casein with glyphosate in causing intolerances and diseases. Stephanie Seneff believes that gluten, peanut, soy and casein intolerance is related to glyphosate, she says the evidence is overwhelming, and that almost any disease can be caused by glyphosate.

http://occupyhealth.com/dr-susan-on-radio/stephanie-seneff-glyphosate-the-scourge-of-mankind/.-----https://people.csail.mit.edu/seneff/ .-----

Industrial farming with antibiotics and constant stress produces undesirable bacteria and diseases that are then transmitted to people, and also promotes a serious crisis of antibiotic-resistant diseases. The mistreatment of animals is part of the disregard for the environment and nature.

Dr. Monika Kruger and her colleagues investigated the excretion of glyphosate in the urine of 30 cows from 8 different Danish farms. The results allowed us to conclude that different levels of glyphosate were excreted in the urine of cows and glyphosate had a significant impact on the blood parameters of cows. In fact, researchers found that increased levels of glutamate dehydrogenase, glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase, and creatinine kinase, in cows could show the effect of glyphosate on liver and muscle cells. They also discovered that elevated urea levels on some farms could be due to glyphosate nephrotoxicity.


According to a review of a multitude of recent studies, milk and dairy products have antioxidant and cardioprotective properties, especially when they are whole, raw and fermented, such as cheese, kefir and yogurt. The consumption of fermented dairy products is associated with fewer cases of colon and bladder cancer.

https://lipidworld.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12944-019-0969-8 (2019)

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Mother Nature doesn't really care. She has too many children to have specific designs and intentions for one ephemerous species of naked apes.

Sticking to the food of your ancestors however makes sense out of purely pragmatic considerations. Your ancestors survived eating it, which means they likely have received necessary adaptations in the great gene lottery, and you equally likely have inherited those. If they survived, so will you.

And don't eat fermented fish if you don't descend from the peoples of Northern Siberia.

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The by-far-best TASTING milk is raw!... Besides all the other important stuff about it!

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Why are you even writing this. When is the last time you saw a cow drink human milk? Humans don't need milk after weening from their mother. A calf starts eating grass after weening. Large amounts of milk lead to child obesity. So let's talk about Brucellosis and bovine TB. Where the heck did you go to medical school. Louis Pasteur would not be pleased. This garbage just feeds the conspiracy crazies. Well let's stop giving vaccinations while we're at it. A nice polio outbreak would be nice, and through in a few diphtheria cases. That will get the ER staff on their toes. They all will get their step in on that day. Maybe small pox will return. Pox viruses are out there.

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