In an article on the suppression of ivermectin by health authorities, Dr. Joseph Mercola wrote: “While the list of crimes committed by authorities during the COVID-19 pandemic is long, perhaps the greatest crime of all is the intentional suppression of safe and effective treatments."

The protocol for treating Covid has been to deny treatment until the patient becomes life-threateningly ill and is admitted to a hospital. Within the hospital, the protocol is to deny patients safe and effective treatments with HCQ and ivermectin. Many patients end up dead on ventilators.

Countless patients have died in hospitals for not applying the early treatment recommended by Dr. Mercola. Even though the FDA-approved Pharmaceutical Mafia has arbitrarily decided that Americans shouldn't have access to ivermectin, Oklahoma Attorney General John O'Connor says doctors in his state, at least, are on board. of their professional rights to prescribe ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine to Wuhan coronavirus patients.

“The Attorney General's office finds no legal basis for a state medical licensure board to discipline a licensed physician for exercising sound judgment and safely prescribing an FDA-approved drug – like ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine – for the off-label purpose of treating a patient with COVID -19,” O'Connor's office concluded in a February 8 statement, declaring that “healthcare professionals should have every tool available to combat COVID-19.”

https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/oklahoma-ag-declares-medical-boards-cant-punish-doctor-for-prescribing-ivermectin/ (02/16/2022).


Numerous disturbing, inconsistent, and false statements have been collected and documented by multiple researchers, journalists, and observers in communication with the TOGETHER trial investigators.

Pierre Kory, MD, MPA, states how the headlines are around the world and the NIH has quietly changed its recommendation from neutral to against the use of ivermectin what a massive detonation bomb could have been a public health policy that would change the world and save lives.

Possibly the largest financial conflict of interest of any trial to date. Disclosed conflicts of interest include: Pfizer, Merck, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Australian Government, Global Health Drug Development, Novaquest, Regeneron, AstraZeneca, Daichi Sankyo, Commonwealth Science and Research Organization and Card Research. Many conflicts of interest appear to be unreported.

https://pierrekory.substack.com/p/the-false-sinister-and-duplicitous?s=r (05/30(2020)

The president of the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC), Dr. Pierre Kory, warned that the Biden administration should not pay Merck for a COVID-19 drug “that has already failed in hospitalized patients”. Instead, he called for the "inexpensive, safe and widely available" ivermectin with its track record of efficacy against the disease. Molnuvirapir receives the green light from the FDA, it will be the second approved antiviral treatment for COVID-19. In October 2020, the US regulator approved Gilead Sciences' remdesivir for hospitalized patients. However, the FDA reported twice as many adverse events and more than four times the number of deaths from remdesivir compared to ivermectin.

https://www.theepochtimes.com/us-spending-1-2-billion-on-mercks-covid-19-treatment-is-a-waste-of-taxpayers-money-doctor_3861829.html (06/17/ 2022)

The Pharmaceutical Mafia and government institutions have promoted the genocide of "vaccines", they are the ones who are filling the hospitals, those who despise natural immunity, those who promote the ADE, S who get that fully vaccinated people are basically experiencing a process of immune wear very similar to that of a patient with AIDS.

All this would have been written before there were vaccines available, it is the plandemis that the globalist elites had arranged for the Great Reset, for the technocracy that leads to transhumanism.

Meanwhile, cheap, safe and effective ivermectin remains taboo now that doctors are being threatened with dismissal for prescribing it to their patients. It is the biggest swindle in US history, supported by Fauci in the fate of a country with global influence.

A section of the leaked military document reveals that ivermectin was "identified as curative in April 2020" because it "works in all phases of the disease by inhibiting viral replication and modulating the immune response." The government knows and fully admits, at least to other members of the government, that ivermectin is a cure for covid that has been kept out of the hands of the American people for political and eugenic reasons.

https://www.zerohedge.com/covid-19/hidden-military-documents-reveal-nih-intent-create-sars-cov-2-using-gain-function-research (12/01/2022)

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STUDY: IVERMECTIN REDUCES COVID DEATH RISK BY 92%. The findings are consistent with those of Dr. Harvey Risch, an esteemed Yale School of Medicine epidemiologist who testified before the Senate that ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) could have saved thousands, or even millions, of lives that were needlessly lost by not using these medications.

https://fda.news/2022-09-02-study-ivermectin-reduces-covid-death-risk-92percent.html (02/09/2022)

A Brazilian city cuts COVID hospitalizations and mortality in HALF by using ivermectin. Hospitalization and mortality rates in Itajai were cut in half over a seven-month period in the ivermectin group, demonstrating the drug's efficacy. should help sway critics of the drug, according to Dr. Pierre Kory, president of Front Line COVID-19. Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC).

https://www.theepochtimes.com/new-study-on-ivermectin-should-convince-any-naysayer-dr-pierre-kory_4249502.html (02/20/2022)

Also in Japan, where ivermectin has been deployed to help people recover from covid-19 so they can have longer lasting immunity. Dr. Ozaki cited evidence from African nations that have used ivermectin during the pandemic. He said: "In Africa, if we compare countries that distribute ivermectin once a year with countries that do not give ivermectin... the number of deaths is 2.2/100,000."




The Kansas State Senate voted Thursday to allow health care providers to prescribe and dispense drugs such as ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) for off-label treatment of COVID-19.

The off-label drug bill (HB2280) passed by a vote of 21-16. It applies to any drug approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) that is not a controlled substance.

https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/kansas-senate-votes-allow-doctors-prescribe-ivermectin-hcq-covid/ (03/15/2022)

Queen Elizabeth of England took ivermectin on screen for the world to see. Now everyone knows that the powers that be are using ivermectin for themselves, but they won't let you or your family have access to it. “Everyone gets ivermectin except the 'little people,'” one commenter put it.

“The creators of ivermectin received the Nobel Prize in 2015 for the role it plays in reducing human suffering,” wrote another. The federal government supplies it to hundreds of thousands of people each year who immigrate to the US It treats a number of infections very cheaply.”

Another person noted that ivermectin is a broad-spectrum virus killer, including flu viruses. “I own a farm and have been taking ivermectin for most of my life whenever we got a cold or the flu,” another person said. “It removes it faster than anything else. It's an inside secret among farmers who deal with these things every day."


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What of the experience of the Indian State of Utter Pradesh?

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Good reference 186no. Uttar Pradesh, located in northern India, has officially declared its 33 districts now "covid-free" thanks to a benevolent effort by leaders there to provide everyone with "horse dewormers."

The recovery rate of the Chinese virus in Uttar Pradesh is 98.7%, which can be directly attributed to the large-scale prophylactic use of ivermectin.

All against information from the Western media and medical establishment, there is "no evidence" that ivermectin provides any benefit in fighting Chinese germs. However, according to real-life tests in India, ivermectin has truly been a miracle worker.

In August, officials in Uttar Pradesh issued a notice advising doctors to take 12mg ivermectin tablets "to contain the impact of the pandemic." This recommendation turned out to be a great success.

Meanwhile, in the small state of Kerala in southern India, new "cases" of the Fauci flu have skyrocketed. The reason is that instead of opting for ivermectin, Kerala opted for "vaccines", which are spreading more diseases.


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I remember reading of the iver use, way back in India … must be the New World Thinkers.

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India Bar Association - "Legal notice served upon Dr. Soumya Swaminathan, the Chief Scientist at WHO, few media houses and others, for peddling the narrative that COVID-19 vaccines are completely safe." https://indianbarassociation.in/filing-notices-letters/

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Let us hope 🙏 that something comes of the attempt. To date not 1 revelation has had any reaction other than “ho hum, we are in control”

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Uttar Pradesh has a somewhat similar population to the U.S.--230 MILLION to 330 MILLION, respectively. Uttar Pradesh turned out to the biggest controlled population for Ivermectin testing; and it worked at 98.7% recovery rate.

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When I had first read of it back in the early stages of implementation, I thought “How lucky they are!”; but this was somewhat suppressed by a read many years ago where India was forcibly castrating males to cut down on population. So, I wonder if the mentality has changed for the better. Time will tell, at least this recent treatment action, so far, is positive. Being a sceptic, any of my posts, I would like to see an analysis of the iver composition. I do not underestimate anything that could be a circumventing by the NWD. 3rd letter disOrder. That is where the world is falling off, they underestimate this group. Graphene is being put into everything humans eat, touch or use, even meds.

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If Graphene is being put into everything, that's why there are so many heart, stomach (Crohn's, Colitis, IBD, etc.) , cardiovascular problems, increase in kidney & liver diseases, etc.

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Especially love your reference to Africa's outcomes!

But what about the NIH article https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7505114/

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Doc Mercola: “While the list of crimes committed by authorities during the COVID-19 pandemic is long, perhaps the greatest crime of all is the intentional suppression of safe and effective treatments."

For many who have suffered with so many different dis-eases and out of desperation began the search for relief outside of a reduction of symptoms, will recognize this kind of suppression in the many Monopolies Too Big to Fail. Long a subject of discussion here at Doc's site.

"They get caught. They pay a fine. They do it again.”

Hey, Goombah, nothing personal, it's just business, we'll tell your mother you said you love her, bam.

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Dr. Kory, "I tell my patients, ‘Listen, I have to be humble here. I’m trying to figure this out. I’m collaborating, I’m reading, I’m learning from you.’ I’m learning from each patient, because we’re doing a lot of empiric therapies.

We’re trying things, and so I learn. Each patient serves as their own control and I’m finding different things work on different patients."

In other words, what he is doing is engaging in the process of dealing with One Size Does Not Fit All. As we all can be so unique & have been exposed or not exposed to so many toxic, dis-ease causing offenders, different types of treatments may help many, but it is rare when cookie cutter treatments treat all.

An important plank in the Platform to create a Parrell Health Care System.

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Thank you Just, for your interesting comments. As Malone said, "We physicians and scientists have one responsibility, and one responsibility only, and that is the health and well-being of mankind, no matter what the inconvenient cost of telling that truth."

Drs. McCullogh, Risch, and Fareed testified at their first hearing on early treatment in November 2020. For their efforts, they were labeled the "Senate Snake Oil Vendors" in a column written by Biden's new COVID czar, Dr. Ashish Jha, published by the New York Times. That slander didn't stop him when he invited Dr. Kory to testify in December 2020 to discuss the use of ivermectin to treat COVID-19. Dr. Kory's impassioned opening statement at that hearing was eventually censored by YouTube after receiving more than 8 million views.

In June 2021, Senator Johnson held an event in Milwaukee where 4 vaccine-injured women and a 12-year-old vaccine-injured girl and her mother were able to tell their stories. Instead of showing compassion and reporting their stories, most of the media present seized the opportunity to attack Senator Johnson. Multiple newspapers in Wisconsin carried her picture on the front page with the headline: "So fundamentally dangerous."

Once again, the media attacks did not deter Senator Johnson from seeking and exposing the truth. In November 2021, she held another event in Washington, DC, where medical experts offered her insights and those who suffered from vaccine injuries described what they were up against. This gives an idea of ​​Senator Johnson's contribution to the growing public awareness of the failed response to the pandemic.


https://www.globalresearch.ca/senator-ron-johnson-truth-warrior-covid-hero/5776149 (02/04/2022)

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And unfortunately, Gui, telling the truth once prized as one of the most important & valued character qualities is attacked non-stop. For too many until it is their ox getting gored, they are blind until after the fact. Truth gets lost under mountains of word games, distractions, flat out denials. The last three years of Covid narrative has sounded like the old Monty Python skit with the Dead Parrot. --- It's not dead, it's resting its eyes, it's sleeping, it's playing hide and seek. Terrible situation when a farce is peddled as the only allowed narrative. Worse yet, we are getting drips of admission from the main characters of what we exposed from nearly day one, yet most of the Global Monopolies owned and directed Legacy Media continue to pour buckets of the same old, same old. Safe & Effective, get your Jab/s. Pay no attention to the tsunami of negative information. As the real plague of dead, dying & crippled from the Global experiment role in, it's not a stretch way too many will have too much to deal with to begin to realize what the real source of it all is.

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And Senator Ron Johnson is being buried by the democrats money machine in his bid to be re-elected. A money machine fed by Pharma companies. He’s the best Senator we have.

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Very true Just, Bright Light news reports: Drs. Charles Hoffe and Stephen Malthouse, Canadian doctors vilified for daring to keep their oath and share the truth about covid-19 "vaccines," join co-founder Cris Vleck, vaxjustice.org, to give a voice and support to those who did what did you do. they were asked to: "get vaccinated" to protect themselves and others to stop the "pandemic".

Instead, they suffered injuries and were later ignored and ridiculed for making such claims. The US OPENVAERS system reporting 1.4 million adverse events and 31,000 deaths is a small testament to the incontrovertible fact that something seriously dangerous and unfair is afoot.

The Justice tour had 3 objectives.

1. Educate communities about the harms of the COVID -19 “vaccine” and raise concerns around lack of informed consent.

2. Create peer-to-peer videos and testimonials to warn of the potential harms caused by the COVID-19 “vaccine”

3. Gather evidence through testimonials and record vaccine injuries for compilation in the Vaxxtracker database to create a more accurate reporting system. This will also be used as an evidentiary package for future prosecution and legal projects.


https://www.globalresearch.ca/justice-vaccinated/5795531?utm_campaign=magnet&utm_source=article_page&utm_medium=related_articles (06/10/2022)

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https://www.globalresearch.ca/israeli-report-mrna-experimental-vaccine-pfizer-killed-about-40-times-more-elderly-people-than-disease-itself-would-have-killed-during-recent-five-week-vaccination-period/5795696?utm_campaign=magnet&utm_source=article_page&utm_medium=related_articles (10/07/2022)

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I have fully enjoyed your comments here on the Mercola site. I look forward to reading them daily. Thank you! I had COVID at the onset of the Omicron mutation and fought it off with Ivermectin and Quercitin, and vitamin D.While taking ivermectin, I noticed that my symptoms of cervical dystonia abated and then returned after ivermectin left my system. So far, I cannot find anyone to advise me about this. I did find one study with a patent from 1994 that showed that ivermectin works for dystonia and many more neurological symptoms. I am afraid to play with it without guidance tho. If anyone can find such guidance, I would greatly appreciate it.

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Thank you MiMi25. Dr. Mercola's recommendations for long-term covid manifestations are holistic. This link may be useful



As Dr. Mercola has informed us, to positively modulate the immune system we first need an organic anti-inflammatory diet, rich in phytochemicals, vitamins, minerals, proteins (lysine and threonine are antiviral and tryptophan for mood, glycine and proline for promote collagen in the tissues, bones, blood vessels, etc.), a good rest, avoid stress, not smoking, exercise, etc., that is, a healthy lifestyle. Dr. Mercola's articles on diet, supplements and anti-inflammatory herbs. Vitamins D, C, B1, B6 and Zinc, selenium, iodine, fish oil and antioxidants are essential to control and prevent the viral process. Vitamin C strengthens your immune system and kills pathogens, including viruses, when taken in high doses.

Foods and supplements that are considered helpful in preventing coronavirus infection include Diet Nrf2, NAC, NAD, elderberry, curcumin, pterostilbene, spirulina, beta-glucan, glucosamine, lipoic acid, sulforaphane, melatonin, nitric oxide (preventive exercise, vegetable nitrates, arginine), aloe vera, curcumin, propolis, echinacea, astaxanthin, quercetin, sulfuraphane, calendula, ginseng, resveratrol, probiotics from Bifidobacterium bifidum strains and spobiotics. Two zinc ionophores (help in assimilation): quercetin and epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) found in green tea. Melatonin works synergistically with vitamin D to optimize mitochondrial function. It also enhances vitamin D signaling. Caloric restriction and the fasting are essential.The sauna provides great detoxification benefits.

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Oct 9, 2022
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Thanks for a laugh! It’s so insulting!

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Thank you! I am currently seeing a naturopath and we are hopeful. She will not touch the ivermectin tho. I am doing all of the things that you spoke of and have just started sunflower lecithin.

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Dr. Mercola reported that 10% of people treated for COVID-19 report fatigue, shortness of breath, or chronic pain for three weeks or more. This happens even among people with mild cases of COVID-19. Also several tips focused on improving intestinal health

- Do exercise. Light exercise, such as yoga.

- Consume supplements of CoQ10 and D-ribose, a basic component of ATP.

- Consume foods rich in glutathione precursors, sulfur and selenium to stimulate glutathione production.

- Restrict the period of food consumption to a period of six to eight hours.

- -Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT)

- Improve insulin sensitivity. ketogenic diet

- Lumbrokinase, quercetin, vitamin D and zinc.

- Use nebulized hydrogen peroxide with a 0.1% dilution.

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It’s the first time I have seen EFT recommended to help treat Covid 19, it didn’t occur to me although I practice EFT as a healing tool.

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Fine. All this is known now. What next?

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Now we do what darn near every ostracized group has done since the dawn of time. We make a new and better place that allows us to live as we see fit. In this case, we will have the freedom to choose health-care providers that are true healers. It has been unfortunate that the old system became so corrupted as to make this necessary, but in the long run we will be much better off.

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Doctors A group of doctors is suing the FDA, HHS and the men in charge of each agency for interfering in their ability to treat patients. They say the federal departments lied about ivermectin.

https://rumble.com/v1n0jm2-doctors-sue-fda-over-ivermectin-misinformation.html (10/07/2022)

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The group, called the People's Court of Public Opinion, met in Germany on Saturday to detail the many human rights violations inflicted by politicians around the world during the COVID pandemic under the guidance of the World Economic Forum (WEF).

“This case, which involves the most heinous crimes against humanity committed under the guise of a corona pandemic, seems complicated only at first glance,” German lawyer Dr. Reiner Fuellmich said in his opening statement.

The ‘Peoples´ Court of Public Opinion´s investigation´s purpose is twofold: On the one hand it is to serve as a model proceeding and get indictments against some of the criminally and civilly responsible figure heads of these Crimes against Humanity. And on the other hand it is – through showing a complete picture of what we are facing, including the geopolitical and historical backdrop - to create awareness about:

- the factual collapse of the current, hijacked system and its institutions, and, as a consequence

- the necessity for the people themselves retaking their sovereignty, and

- the necessity to first stop this plandemic´s measures by refusing to comply, and

- the necessity to jump-start their own new system of health care, education, economics and judiciary, so that democracy and the rule of law on the basis of our constitutions will be reestablished.



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Merely liking this comment seems inadequate so here is a 'Love' an 'Appreciate' and a 'Grateful' for you! It is so essential that persons like you exist in these trying times as you are beacons that help guide us to the goals we need to achieve in order to have a bright future. As much as I learn from Dr. Mercola's well-written articles, it is nice to see an active and intellectually advanced assembly of commentators that augment the article with links and other relevant information. I salute your efforts and your brilliance.

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Get a doctor outside of the pharma system. It is too complex to do on your own. That person will not have a license, be able to give prescriptions, and be covered by insurance. Do diligence on your choices. You must be knowledgeable about the environments your health and life depends on it. The government in any situation cannot be depended on as they make you think. It is a religious form of control. Be an independent, think for yourself person.

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There are doctors who know what is going on and are providing telehealth services.

There is a list on the flccc website. https://covid19criticalcare.com/providers/

Also, https://www.aestheticsadvisor.com/2021/02/find-doctor-prescribe-hydroxychloroquine-ivermectin.html

Also, look into natural treatments. Many treatments don't require a prescription.

P73 oregano oil works great for many issues, both internally & externally. It works wonderfully topically (& combined with tea tree oil) for infections.

Neti pots, nasal sprays, and nebulizing for respiratory issues.

Charcoal powder and bentonite clay for food poisoning.

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I tried a Community health doctor in Portland whose name was on the LFCCC web site list you refer to and he would not prescribe Ivermectin or other non CDC & FDA non recommended drugs. I suggested he take his name off the FLCCC list and was met with silence and click hung up. I do agree some of the telehealth will work until they lose their license.

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The FLCCC should definitely take that guy off their list!

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You can get Ivermectin OTC from compounding pharmacies in Tennessee. No prescription necessary.

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Can anyone help me I live in Ireland and doctors are banned from prescribing ivermectin I can buy it for horses I’m 10 Stone in weight and I don’t know what dosage to take

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Check the FLCCC site https://covid19criticalcare.com/, click "find a doctor" or similarly worded link, someone can help you

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Also, if u can get your hands on the book "Overcoming the Covid Darkness . . " by Tyson and Fareed (Amazon), they give exact regimens there

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Also, no idea what 10 stone means (USA here)

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One stone equals about 14 pounds...so a 10 stone person would weigh 140 pounds, or 64 kilos. :-)

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10 stone x14 = 140 lbs

(14 lbs in 1 stone)

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I was ready to fly to MX, it is sold in vending machines!

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You can buy ivermectin Over the Counter in Tennessee USA

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I get mine from a farm supply store in TN.

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Thank you so much people here in Ireland are saying Ivermectin is confiscated at customs

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I would get a nebulizer, not a hand held one, pharmaceutical H2O2, C, zinc, D & quercetin; but the nebulizer is #1 for me. There are others who post who are more knowledgeable, maybe they will suggest more. Then look up ‘normal saline’ for ratio of salt/water

This is what I use:

Normal Saline

1&1/2 cups H2O

3/4 tsp salt NO IODINE

For nebulizer:

1/4 tsp H2O2

7&1/4 tsp normal saline

then just put portion into nebulizer to line level

Relax, you got this

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IMO, just follow the dosage recommendation on the Ivermectin package which is based on weight of the horse, cow, etc., for an animal that weighs 140 lbs, (10 stones). Please get a second opinion(s) to my suggestion, from other knowledgable alternate health people.

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Ivermectin is also not available in Scotland.

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Bag pipes are used to ward off the demon. Sorry, just attended a funeral with bagpipes for the sendoff.

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Bagpipez also played at weddings, not sure what to ward off there!

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There is love at weddings, all the more reason to ward off evil that may be lurking.

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The livestock liquid injectable ivermectin is about as pure as you will find. (Agri-mectin) There's nothing in it other than ivermectin and two food-use approved forms of glycerine. It costs a bit more than the horse paste, but a 200ml bottle will last you a very long time, about US$43. Get a 10ml or 5ml hypodermic syringe to draw the precise amount from the bottle, then put it in a cup with some water. 1ml = 10mg ivermectin. So the math is Your Weight in kg * Dosage amount per kilogram / 10 = how many ml of the livestock liquid to use.

I don't know what the current dosages are, but by the end of Omicron the treatment dosage was 0.6mg/kg. This also may have changed; once I got over Omi I stopped reading all the Covid stuff.

Prophylaxis dosage and long haul dosages are likely very different, along with the frequency.

If you're also taking cuercetin, I think you're supposed to take that 12 hours from when you took the ivermectin.

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Yes? Please do your own research as agri-mectin contains propylene glycol, aka antifreeze...unclear if this may present an issue, although it is considered "gras" it is not particularly helpful to the liver or kidneys.

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Thanks so much for all that information

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What pandemic? What a load of damned, false flag, shock doctrine, bollocks!

It was just flu (detox activity from a bad lifestyle), maybe with microwave poisoning, so no need for any drugs, including hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin. C19 was damned fabricated, thus the alleged pandemic, was actually fraudulent for multiple reasons, thus a plandemic, with deliberate mass formation fear promotion for this BS danger. All the fear and lockdowns probably caused more illness, deaths and destruction than any alleged infectious disease, including from physiological stress and the denial of critical medical treatment for many months!

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Oct 9, 2022
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Graphene is the 5G reactor.

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The so called vaccines are the bio weapon of deaths.

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Indeed Richard and Leslie, a plandemic treated with genetic weapons, a project of deceit and lies that leads to a loss of freedoms, misery and the poison of the vaccine. People should be informed about the artificial origin of the SARS-CoV-2 virus so that they criticize a reality that causes a serious economic crisis and much suffering to families, increase, depression, suicides, inequalities and hunger for the world. This is a pandemic of domination and power through control of the media, manipulation of scientific articles, use of coercive and violent mechanisms that what they have achieved is to reproduce the germ of indiscriminate exploitation and genocidal destruction of the environment, creating deadly viruses to sustain a machinery of death. A war on democratic principles, the rights and freedoms of people.

We are facing a group of powerful actors, the World Economic Forum, WHO, the CDC, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, etc., who form a great trap so that a virus is formed in their networks that must be combated with the poison of the snake. This is a necessity within to achieve a global governance whose destiny is to lead the world in the "Great Reset".

Locking down healthy, asymptomatic people across society is not the way to fight a pandemic, prolonged lockdowns to flatten the curve actually prevent the timely development of natural herd immunity. Part of humanity is lost in a labyrinth of false news, dazzled by lies and the anxiety of death. The only fear of the new world order of the loss of rights and freedoms, the economic crisis, poverty, increased inequalities and a possible mandatory vaccine.

In the first link to the e-book the objective is to refute the “Big Lie” through a careful analysis that consists of: 1) A historical review of the Covid crisis,

2) Scientific analysis and detailed review of "official" data, estimates and definitions, 3) Analysis of the impacts of the WHO "guidelines" and government policies on economic, social and public health variables.


https://www.globalresearch.ca/new-pdf-ebook-the-worldwide-corona-crisis-global-coup-detat-against-humanity-by-michel-chossudovsky/5791054 (08/10/2022)

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GUillermou, so well written, thank you.

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All people are subjected to this genocide

Karen Kingston, a biotech analyst who previously conducted contract work for Pfizer, J&J, Thermo Fisher and other corporations. In a bombshell interview that features key screen shots of patents, science journal articles and corporate documents, Karen Kingston lays out the argument for mRNA covid “vaccine” injections actually being exotic technology implantations that can be used to achieve global enslavement and/or genocide.

Biotech analyst Karen Kingston unveils the covid vaccine 5G link + biosynthetic AI nanotech

- Covid-19 injections contain NEUROWEAPONS embedded in Lipid Nanoparticles (LNP)

- Neurological weapons were hidden through Emergency Use Authorization cover-up

- Shocking patents confirm it's all true (patent numbers shown)

- Transhumanism assault on humanity now under way, people becoming LESS human

- LNPs can be activated via 5G frequencies to achieve physiological changes

- Covid "vaccines" appear to be exotic tech INSTALLED in human hosts

- CCP-linked AI company named "national security threat" in USA

- 5G infrastructure to be exploited by AI embedded systems for surveillance

- Post-vaccine "biostructures" are self-assembling biosynthetic weapons


https://rumble.com/v1mvnzn-biotech-analyst-karen-kingston-unveils-the-covid-vaccine-5g-link-biosynthet.html (06/10/2022)

This YouTube video where Dr. Marquis tells people to think before they jab their kids is still up on YouTube 24 hours after it was posted. How is that even possible!? This should be front page news that a video like this lasts for more than a few minutes before being censored.

https://stevekirsch.substack.com/p/dr-david-marquis-speaks-out-about?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=548354&post_id=76871928&isFreemail=true&utm_medium=email (06/10/2022)

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Sorry but your statement is 100% emphatically wrong. COVID is very real however they way that they have treated it is VERY wrong

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Covid is a smoke screen for radiation sickness (5G)

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THANK YOU DR MERCOLA FOR INFORMING US. I hope people read this VERY CAREFULLY. Thank goodness for Dr Mercola.......

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Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine along with zinc and quercetin are great for treating Covid in any stage but there are other non pharmaceutical approaches that also work. Perhaps the most effective of all is the approach of Dr. Mercola for early treatment involving the nebulization of dilute food grade 3% H2O2 and normal saline. If desired you can add a drop or two of 2.5% lugols iodine to the mix. Search Dr. Mercola's site for his precise recommendation. MMS/CDS (dilute chlorine dioxide) is another approach using oxidation to destroy pathogens and flood the body with oxygen. If you can find it The Universal Antidote gives precise details. Look up Dr. Andreas Kalcker Ph.D as he is the leading authority on this medicine. IMO the best approach is PREVENTION. Eat a healthy organic diet, get some sun and exercise daily. Spray your nostrils with Xlear 2 or 3 times daily. I also spray mouth and eyes with homemade 10ppm colloidal silver once or twice daily and don't forget to wash your hands. After suffering thru a bout of COVID in June of 2020 I've since implemented all of the above along with Vit. D3 supplementation and haven't had so much as a sniffle since. Thankfully I'm also NOT VACCINATED. Cheers to all.

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Hi Moxa. Also: As Dr. Mercola has informed us, to positively modulate the immune system we first need an organic anti-inflammatory diet, rich in phytochemicals, vitamins, minerals, proteins (lysine and threonine are antiviral and tryptophan for mood, glycine and proline to promote collagen in tissues, bones, blood vessels, etc.), a good rest, avoid stress, not smoking, exercise, etc., that is, a healthy lifestyle. Dr. Mercola's articles on diet, supplements and anti-inflammatory herbs. Vitamins D, C, B1, B6 and Zinc, selenium, iodine, fish oil and antioxidants are essential to control and prevent the viral process. Vitamin C strengthens your immune system and kills pathogens, including viruses, when taken in high doses.

Foods and supplements that are considered helpful in preventing coronavirus infection include Diet Nrf2, NAC, NAD, elderberry, curcumin, pterostilbene, spirulina, beta-glucan, glucosamine, lipoic acid, sulforaphane, melatonin, nitric oxide (preventive exercise, vegetable nitrates, arginine), aloe vera, curcumin, propolis, echinacea, astaxanthin, quercetin, sulfuraphane, calendula, ginseng, resveratrol, probiotics from Bifidobacterium bifidum strains and spobiotics. Two zinc ionophores (help in assimilation): quercetin and epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) found in green tea. Melatonin works synergistically with vitamin D to optimize mitochondrial function. It also enhances vitamin D signaling. Caloric restriction and the fasting are essential.

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Hello Guillermo. I've enjoyed your articles and educated replies for a very long time and I'm in total agreement with all of your thoughtful information and obvious knowledge. Life on planet earth is under global assault. I only wish more people had access to the life saving information and therapies you so often mention. Thanks for all that you do. My best to all.

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Thanks Moxa1man, what is your name on Dr. Mercola's free website?

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It's always been moxa1man. I don't post often but read the articles daily.

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Thank you for your interest in my comments. Surely your publications will also be of interest to me.

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For me, in the UK, the complete lack of public health quango head honchos - van Tam, Whitty, Vallance et al - in mentioning vitamins and supplements and other self help, as well as the entire UK medical profession ignoring these vital natural substances as well as other relevant diet advice , throughout 2020 - 2023 makes them 100% guilty of complicit criminal behaviour. The "National Health Service" as a description is a sickening bad joke with due respect to those clinical staff trying to do their best.

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Sounds about right to me..all I had in October of 2021 was a sniffle for two days, and lost my senses of taste and smell for about a week...Vitamin C, Zinc, Vitamin D3 in liquid form, and lots of healthy, real food, and daily sun and exercise has kept me happy and well for years..just a bit depressed about the scam and all of its fallout effects! Stay well everyone, and practice independent thinking and non-violent disobedience. No docs for years. Stay clear of hospitals unless you have bones sticking out of you.

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..and of course, no tests ever, ( so, not even sure if what I had was Covid last October but I didn't care) no masks ever on my face or anywhere else for that matter, no contact tracing, and no silly following those nonsensical arrows on the ground; if anything I went out of my way to do exactly the opposite, and for sure, no toxic juice! Leave that where it belongs..in the vials. it was not easy being the outlier, but I got used to it. :-) And I grew other friends! The thinking kind! The best kind.

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El viernes 2 de septiembre (con retraso) recibi el pedido 2601430 de mas de 140 euros que encargue el 26 de agosto a nombre de Guillermo Urraza (club PH) , pero no estaba en la caja el cupon de rasca y gana que tiene asignado los siguientes posibles regalos:

Tampoco entiendo que si hay 5210 regalos se adjudiquen todos pues supongo que no habra tantos pedidos,

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Dr. Mercola reported that 10% of people treated for COVID-19 report fatigue, shortness of breath, or chronic pain for three weeks or more. This happens even among people with mild cases of COVID-19. Also several tips focused on improving intestinal health

- Do exercise. Light exercise, such as yoga

- Consume CoQ10 and D-ribose supplements, a basic component of ATP.

- Consume foods rich in glutathione precursors, sulfur and selenium to stimulate glutathione production.

- Restrict the period of food consumption to a period of six to eight hours.

- -Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT)

- Improve insulin sensitivity. ketogenic diet

- Lumbrokinase, quercetin, vitamin D and zinc.

- Use nebulized hydrogen peroxide with a dilution of 0.1%.

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If I'm in in a challenge situation, I will nebulize first chance I get. For example - returning from a ski trip - myself and two friends sat in the airport bar for 90 minutes awaiting departure (small table - a couple of beers). At home, both of them tested positive for Covid-19. Myself - no. First order of business at home - I nebulized hydrogen peroxide (I add Lugol's Iodine) and then another treatment in the morning. No Covid for me. I also take the FLCCC Alliance prevention protocol.

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I’ve got one of those nebulisers for asthma I’ll try using Hydrogen peroxide what strength do u use and do you water it down any information will be very much Appreciated Thanks

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HOW TO NEBULIZE HYDROGEN PEROXIDE https://getbetterwellness.com/nebulizedperoxide/ - Just another tool for the toolbox. "Dig your well before you're thirsty."

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Thanks for that information I’d like to add how important K2 is with the D3 to transport calcium build up out of the wrong places and into the bones

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My strategy for obtaining truthfulness is collecting "dots." I then allocate, sequence, and connect them. My tactics include running my "dots" through filters. One of my filters: "It is the classic fallacy of our time that a moron run through a university and decorated with a Ph.D. will thereby cease to be a moron." - H. L. Mencken ~~ I discard the "moronic" "dots." Full Disclosure - I obtained ivermectin early during the plandemic. Some "dots" may save your life.

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Yes PaPa, this is a good goal: Some "dots" may save your life to overcome fear, misinformation, lying and confrontation. The most important thing about misinformation is to divide people into factions, persuade them to see each other as enemies, and keep them yelling at each other to drown out all other sounds. This is a war that is moving between the vaccinated and the unvaccinated.

Dr. Robert Malone is the inventor of the mRNA technology that is the basis of the Covid vaccine. This is the letter he sent to doctors and scientists urging them to unite in defense of free scientific discourse and the right and responsibility of the doctor to treat patients without interference and threats of authoritarian and coercive restrictions.

WHEREAS, physicians are increasingly being discouraged from engaging in open professional discourse and the exchange of ideas about new and emerging diseases, not only endangering the essence of the medical profession, but more importantly, more tragically, the lives of our patients;

https://www.lewrockwell.com/2021/09/paul-craig-roberts/western-governments-are-deep-sixing-the-hippocratic-oath/ (September 24, 2021)

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Thanks Gui. Covid-19 is but one physiological operation by TPTB. "Truthfulness" is what TPTB fear the most. My focus has moved to the War in Ukraine and the battle between the FED and "the Davos crowd." I follow Tom Luongo and Alex Krainer among others. Alex finished his 10.05.2022 post with the following: "Every person's duty at this point - unless they're OK with their children ending up as cannon fodder in the next big war - must be to seek truth and pay attention." https://isystem-tf.com/2022/09/21/at-the-precipice-of-the-new-world-war/

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Madmen like Gates and Fraudci are running the world's medical systems and the countries of the world are allowing this to happen. They are making a gazillion dollars off of Remdesivir. Fraudci tried using other fraudulent medications in 1986 with AIDS and nobody carted him off to prison for life or worse.

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Yes Skupe. Dr. Peter Hotez, Bill Gates, Dr. Fauci, are a substantial part of a structure that has promoted the creation of a virus and developed actions to promote transgenic weapons that are killing and causing serious illness.

Rep. Gohmert: Fauci must be "accountable" for unleashing mass death on the world. Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Tex.) said that Fauci must finally be held accountable for committing crimes against humanity. Gohmert went on to explain that the most recent data from the UK shows that, in the last three months, a whopping 81 per cent of all covid-related deaths occurred in fully vaccinated people.


Fauci has undermined public trust by misleading the nation. He has manipulated public opinion and the claim that he represents science and his admitted deceptions are incompatible and intolerable for the suffering and deaths caused to humanity.

Senator Rand Paul blamed Fauci for thousands of COVID deaths on his push for vaccines while he ignores proven therapies. Paul also claimed that thousands died because Fauci refused to consider the importance of natural immunity and instead prioritized vaccines.

Robert Kennedy, Jr.'s July 21, 2020 article is titled "Gates Drives Experimental Technology in Seven Billion Humans." He affirms:

Pharma has over 170 COVID vaccines in development, but Gates and Fauci brought Moderna's "Frankenstein coup" to the front of the queue... Scientists and ethicists are sounding the alarm… It is possible that Moderna's genetic alterations will be passed on to future generations. In January, the Geneva Declaration, by the world's leading ethicists and scientists, called for an end to this type of experimentation. It is very interesting to read the whole statement.



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NOT a sales rep for CHD; however, here's a sneak peak at the upcoming movie: "The Real Anthony Fauci - Feature Documentary | Sneak Preview" - https://www.bitchute.com/video/Fv2mbG9Z0127/ - airing oct 18, coming end of this week!

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The three or four US reps who are actually saying something against all of the mass death is great but it isn't going far enough. Plus nobody in law enforcement or on the courts is listening to them.

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It is worthy to note that Dr. Mercola was one of the first to come out and inform the public about ivermectrin, how to access it and use it against this biological weapon released on the masses. Hence, he has been unmercifully attacked by MSM and other nefarious organizations that have shut down his bank accounts, his website, etc. It is confirmation that there is a bigger, evil agenda in play here. Time for folks to wake up, unite and tell "them" ..... ENOUGH!!!

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After a month in bed, September 2021, I was very ill. Ivermectin saved my life and got me back on my feet. This should be available to everyone in the world. It worked for everyone I know who took it.

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Since C-19 has never been isolated or proven to exist, how does a pharmacutical prevent it?

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Oct 9, 2022
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Very possible ,or some other type of poisoning.

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I didn’t even consider that wow that’s very scary

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"Absence of proof is not proof of absence." The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services was involved in the funding of amplifying the infectious nature of coronaviruses between 1999 and 2002 before SARS was ever detected in humans.

Not only SARS-Cov-2 but also that of 2003 would have been created in the laboratory according to these words of the American doctor David E. Martin (pictured), author of the most voluminous scientific investigation with the unequivocal title “The Fauci / Covid-19 Dossier”. https://principia-scientific.com/david-e-martin-the-fauci-covid-19-dossier/

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Than I guess you"ll allow me to to purchase your house with this 20lb. gold bar I just made in my kitchen. Maybe I'll let you see it latter it's really nice .

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I cut people a lot of slack. But I fail to seek how a lack of insight and understanding is an excuse for ignorance.

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my point exactly

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For your insight and understanding. "There has been much hinging upon the phrase 'scientific method' in the 'no-virus' group. Their claim is that the term 'scientific method’ is a strict set of rules which researchers must follow. If these rules are not followed in the way the 'no-virus' group proclaims they must be, then they deem researchers as having not met the 'scientific method', and is called pseudoscience. But, what actually is the scientific method? Is it a set of rules, or something else entirely?" https://jeffgreenhealth.substack.com/p/virology-and-the-scientific-method

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in the immortal words of Tom Cruse...Show me the money.

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“A point of view can be a dangerous luxury when substituted for insight and understanding.” Marshall McLuhan. But in the interest of full disclosure: “I don't necessarily agree with everything that I say.” - Marshall McLuhan

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I never get the flu maybe twice in the past 10 years but when that so called covid came out I was very sick 3 times in 7 months will bad flu serious coughing abd definitely lost my sense of taste and smell. Fought through it with my herbs vitamins and keeping warm it’s all very hard to make out I won’t be getting that killer Jab although people are saying you won’t be able to buy or sell without proof you got the jab in the near future that’s some serious stuff

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Check out d-ribose to help generate ATP in the mitrochondria. It helped me with extreme fatigue when I was healing myself from fibromyalgia before COVID.

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Thanks for this info. It was my fibro flare up that finally caused me to succumb to covid. Before that I fought it off for 17 days after being exposed and living with people who had it.

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Thankfully you seem to be healing🙏

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A brilliant interview with Dr Pierre Kory, one of the heroes fighting to save lives on the front line. Let's hope that this information about Ivermectin will reach more and more people and help some "health experts" belatedly locate their consciences. It goes without saying that the real enemy is not the virus but the Big Pharma Cartel their captive agencies like the FDA, and the bank-rolled media. Asked what he considered the biggest lie about the "pandemic" Dr Harvey Risch, Professor Emeritus of Epidemiology cited the FDA lies told about Hydroxychloroquine and the way it was limited to late hospital settings to treat seriously ill patients when it's benefit is in early preventative treatment. Hundreds of thousands of people would still be alive if Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine had not been demonized by psychopathic agencies: https://twitter.com/SteveDeaceShow/status/1570462125398831105

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Yes, this brief segment was posted a few days ago: “The CDC has officially backtracked on the vaccines as a method of public health and pandemic control”: Dr. Harvey Risch joins John and Amanda to discuss how the CDC has changed their guidance and policies recently. - - https://www.bitchute.com/video/YrVcKJEu9cpX/ - is the CDC now working like crazy to sweep their damage under the carpet?

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Thanks for the links. Think the CDC will have to find an incredibly large carpet under which to hide their Mengele-style advice.

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And there's this from Dr Naomi Wolf on Steve Bannon's Warroom show: Over 98% of Eligible Americans Say NO THANKS to Updated C19 Boosters Three Weeks After Rollout - "Over 98% of Eligible Americans Say NO THANKS to Updated C19 Boosters Three Weeks After Rollout" - https://www.bitchute.com/video/P7oCrSJsSuQk/

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The sad truth is they have enough vaccinated people now all over the world to usher in the no buy or sell order without vaccinations prof

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Found this article posted on the bottom page of one of Gui's links yesterday: "Germany Spends 2.5 Billion Euros on 100 Million Bivalent Boosters Only to Discover That Nobody Wants Them"

A strange fate for such safe and effective products. Big think emoji. - https://www.globalresearch.ca/germany-spends-2-5-billion-euros-100-million-bivalent-boosters-only-discover-nobody-wants-them/5795292

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A shift has been occurring, not sure where the next narrative will shift. However, several groups are considering the type of world we want to live in vs. the control issues evidenced by shots, massive shifts of wealth, incessant lies and climate change caused by lousy their industrial and chemical farming techniques, among other manmade errors.

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Nice to see you NW. An opinion piece written by Dr. Harvey Risch makes a strong case for the use of HCQ in the treatment of COVID-19. And with more than 300 peer-reviewed published studies to his credit, Dr. Risch seems to know a thing or two about reliable science.

In his article, Dr. Risch explains that, in fact, HCQ has been scientifically proven "to be highly effective, especially when given in combination with the antibiotics azithromycin or doxycycline and the nutritional supplement zinc." And one of the quotes he references is an article he wrote that was published in the esteemed American Journal of Epidemiology.

"That article, published in the world's leading epidemiology journal, reviewed five studies, demonstrating clear and significant benefits for treated patients, in addition to other very large studies demonstrating the drug's safety," writes Dr. Risch.

The abstract of this study, titled “Early Outpatient Treatment of High-Risk, Symptomatic COVID-19 Patients That Should Be Immediately Intensified as a Key to the Pandemic Crisis,”

Dr. Risch says doctors he knows personally have "saved the lives of hundreds of patients" with HCQ

Since the publication of Dr. Risch's article on May 27, a total of seven more have been published in reputable journals that have reached similar conclusions. This prompted Dr. Risch to publish a follow-up letter to his original article renewing his call for early and immediate use of HCQ in high-risk patients.

One of these most recent studies involved Dr. Vladimir Zelenko successfully treating more than 400 high-risk patients with HCQ, resulting in zero deaths. Another controlled trial involving more than 700 high-risk patients in Brazil resulted in a massive reduction in hospitalizations and only two deaths.

Another study from France produced similar results, with most patients receiving HCQ recovering fully and not needing to be admitted to hospital.

Several "natural experiments," as Dr. Risch calls them, including one in the northern Brazilian state of Pará, was perhaps the single most important factor that helped "flatten the curve" in this particular region. After buying and dispensing 75,000 doses of azithromycin and 90,000 doses of HCQ to the public, the death rate from the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) “started to plummet and is now about one-eighth of what it was.” at its peak."

Dr. Risch also personally knows two physicians who, by administering HCQ to their patients, at considerable risk to their own careers due to the political incorrectness of doing so, helped "save the lives of hundreds of patients." These two doctors are now "fighting state medical boards to save their licenses and reputations."



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Thank you Gui for providing that invaluable information. I seem to remember various doctors using early-treatment with Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine being interviewed by Senator Ron Johnson. They were all saving lives on the front line. One man objected to their testimony. It was Ashish Jha. Senator Johnson asked if he had treated any patients ill with covid. He had not. And now he is an advisor to the White House. I also recall the excellent Professor Dolores Cahill, who right at the outset said "No-one needs to die. High dose Vitamin D. Vitamin C. Hydroxychloroquine and zinc. Or Ivermectin". She lost her job - a woman far more qualified to speak than any of the so called "health experts". Thankfully she is still bravely speaking out on free platforms and was interviewed by Matt le Tissier on Gettr a few days ago.

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Yes indeed Dolores was struck off everywhere and so was every other Irish Doctor or scientist here in Ireland it’s very scary the rest are not specking out for fear they will lose their livelihood or even their lives as the police have become very corrupt here too

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Here's an interview with Professor Dolores Cahill from a few days ago. She is still bravely speaking out against this awful agenda:


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Many "health care providers" are in large corporate practices and clinics run by managers who follow protocols handed down by the NIH, CDC, FDA, WHO and AMA all of which are influenced by Big Pharma. In other words, the approval and application of medicine has a serious conflict of interest.

The protocol for treating Covid has been to deny treatment until the patient becomes life-threateningly ill and is admitted to a hospital. Within the hospital, the protocol is to deny patients safe and effective treatments with HCQ and ivermectin. Many patients end up dead on ventilators.

The Covid protocol demonizes known and safe treatments. Physicians who prescribe these cures are threatened by their medical associations with loss of medical license. Dr. Noel says that doctors are prey and part of the corruption, because they are in the hands of the medical tyranny of BigPharma, government institutions, and the leadership of Biden and Fauci.


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Hi Gui, AS neither the CDC or the FDA actually treat patients, I understood that all they can do is make recommendations, not actually force hospitals to follow their specific protocol. Therefore my guess is this had something insidious to do with insurance reimbursement to the hospital, no concern for the patient's recovery.

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There are many ways to skin this covid-cat, yet there is a common denominator....Vitamin C to suppress inflammation/decrease blood viscosity and clotting...Mega C to oxidize pathogens...Proteolytic enzymes to destroy spike proteins...Or maybe most important; LOGIC to cut through propaganda (lies) of the mass media narrative.

I'm terminating my website Forbiddenhealingforum.com (news/comments) in the next few days, so if interested in an extensive archive of articles pls read/copy in next few days. I will be posting new/old articles on substack...Best, Randall


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Yes, Randall, blood clots are a big problem with gene weapons. The CDC is not investigating the serious problem of blood clots, nor is the corrupt media even though blood clots appear to be a leading cause of death in the United States and may explain the completely unexpected and unexplained 40% increase in deaths of people under 65 reported by OneAmerica


Holistic prophylactic alternatives that might be beneficial against blood clots include proteolytic enzymes such as lumbrokinase, nattokinase, and serrapeptase, which act as natural anticoagulants by breaking down the fibrin that forms the blood clot.

Blood platelets also demonstrate increased activity in people with obesity, diabetes, and insulin resistance, particularly increased aggregation, which may influence the fact that blood clots often form in severe manifestations in lungs with respiratory failure. of COVID-19. Very small clots called microthrombi can also occur in the blood vessels of the lungs. These small clots prevent blood from reaching the air spaces in the lungs, where blood normally gets oxygen.

It is convenient to have a fluid blood with a good diet that will be the best way to avoid blood coagulation. Some foods and other substances that can act as natural blood thinners and help reduce the risk of blood clots include the following link:


Dietary supplements can change hemostasis by various mechanisms, ie, inhibit blood platelet activation, especially platelet aggregation, reduce arachidonic acid metabolism, and affect coagulation.

Supplementation with commercial products made from aronia berries (Aronox) has cardioprotective properties. This dietary supplement inhibited platelet aggregation, decreased cholesterol oxidation and reduced clot formation, it has high concentrations of phenolic compounds, which show antiplatelet activity, as well as anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24452534 (2015)

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3281331/ (2010)

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24012283 (2014)

The polyphenol-rich extracts from black chokeberry and grape seeds impair changes in the platelet adhesion and aggregation induced by a model of hyperhomocysteinemia.

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22810463 (2013)

The grape seed extract, supplied, has antiplatelet and antioxidant properties.

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18231940 (2008)

The richest known natural source of delphinidins is the maqui berry. they decrease platelet activity and may contribute to the prevention of thrombosis. Research on delphinidins showed improved endothelial function with elevated endothelial NO generation, decreased platelet aggregation, and vascular anti-inflammatory effects.

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25892567. (2015)

Another interesting product with antiplatelet and antioxidant properties is Yucca bark extract, which contains several phenolic compounds.

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15723749 (2005)

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A very honest and brave man that owns a funeral home has spoken out that they are pulling long clots from the dead vaccinated people when preparing the corpse that they’ve never seen in all his years at that business. I saw the interview on Gemma O’DOHERTY website and award winning Irish journalist who had been treated like Dr Mercola for specking out

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Of the main plants discussed in this review, which have antiplatelet activity, some include saffron, garlic, green tea, St. John's wort, ginger, ginkgo biloba, ginseng, and guavirova. These medicinal herbs have phytochemical components, which are directly related to the plant's antiplatelet activity, such as flavonoids, curcumins, catechins, terpenoids, polyphenols, and saponins.

https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Brenda_Silva4/publication/310824770_Natural_Products_with_Antiplatelet_Action/links/5c348a81299bf12be3b6b1b1/Natural-Products-with-Antiplatelet-Action.pdf (2017)

https://europepmc.org/article/PMC/6333939 (2018)

This review assesses the current literature on the relationship between onion, garlic, tomato, and beetroot consumption and blood platelet activation, which may have important implications for the prophylaxis and treatment of cardiovascular disease.

https://academic.oup.com/advances/article-abstract/10/2/280/5316731 (2019)

Aged garlic extract suppresses platelet aggregation by changing the functional property of platelets

https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11418-016-1055-4 (2017)

A mixture of black elderberry, tricolor violet and calendula significantly inhibits the expression of inflammatory cytokines by inhibiting the expression of IL-6 and TNF-α and alleviates atherogenic activities.

EPA and DHA, acts on risk factors for cardiovascular disorders, for example, the oxidative modification of LDL, high concentrations of lipids in plasma and aggregation of platelets in the blood.

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25832443 (2015)

Natural products most commonly used in blood platelet functions and herbal coagulation including garlic, echinacea, ginger, green tea and ginkgo, as well as 5 dietary supplements: vitamins, fish oil, coenzyme Q10, glucosamine. and chondroitin sulfate, garlic, gingko, green tea, and fish oil have antiplatelet properties.

Table 1 lists selected commercial dietary supplements with a range of activities including antiplatelet properties, while Figure 2 presents the effects of various dietary components, including fruits, especially berries, vegetables, and dark chocolate, and Aronox dietary supplements. Delphinol and Fruitflow, as well as the influencing parameters, which may be important in the prophylaxis and treatment of cardiovascular diseases. Fruitflow contains anti-angiotensin converting enzyme and lycopene extract. anti-inflammatory factors, making it an effective and natural cardio-protective functional food. Lycopene has cardioprotective properties by preventing inflammation and oxidation of cholesterol.

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27388464 (2017)

The antithrombotic activity of garlic was revealed through the suppression of cyclooxygenase, decreased production of thromboxane and vasoconstrictors such as prostaglandin and leukotriene by platelets. Chinese plants with antithrombotic and anti-inflammatory activity are most important are turmeric, Chinese sage or danshen, flowering plants of the barberry family. Berberine exhibits a cytoprotective effect on endothelial cells and increases plaque stability. Pomegranate ellagic acid, peel polyphenols, and punicalagin decrease the activation of proinflammatory cytokines.

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27766480 (2017)

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7156611/ (2020)

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I like the title of this article, because it was really was a war conducted against this provably effective treatment - an information war, using all the tools that pharma, media, academia and Silicon Valley could muster, not to mention the so called "health" authorities. I wrote a book in which the first Part is titled "The War On Hydroxychloroquine", where I dissect all the dirty tricks (IVM gets a mention too of course).


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And the Oracle of the Isle of Wight? David Icke followed this illusion for 30 years waiting for more people to wake up! - -

The The Trap: What it is, how is works, and how we escape its illusions Paperback – 1 Sept. 2022 - https://www.amazon.co.uk/Trap-What-works-escape-illusions/dp/1838415327/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1GHOA6V5J4P9L&keywords=the+trap+david+icke&qid=1665326207&qu=eyJxc2MiOiIxLjgxIiwicXNhIjoiMC43OSIsInFzcCI6IjAuNzEifQ%3D%3D&s=books&sprefix=The+TRap%2Cstripbooks%2C1162&sr=1-1

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