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Humanity needs to live in an environment where disease does not take over our health; we need to fight for our health and that of the ecosystem. To feed the world, we do not need uniform, high-tech, high-risk crops in industrial systems. We need a diversity of seeds, in the hands of millions of farmers and small and medium-sized producers. The advance of agribusiness corporations, with GMOs and agrotoxins, seriously threatens this option, which is the one that already feeds the poorest and the majority of humanity.

The incidence of chronic diseases in the US has increased in the last 20 years. Glyphosate disrupts the endocrine system, the balance of intestinal bacteria, the bioavailability of nutrients, damages DNA, etc., leading to a list of 22 diseases.

https://acbio.org.za/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/Africa_must_ban_glyphosate_now_Aug2019.pdf (2022)

Rossi's project compiled a “toxicological anthology of glyphosate” with 487 pieces of evidence of the damage it causes to health. “It is no coincidence that hypothyroidism, bronchial asthma, reproductive disorders and oncological diseases multiply in agricultural towns, producing an evident change in the pattern of morbidity and mortality,” the work warns.

In 2020, it was updated to more than 1,000 studies (foreword by Vanda Shiva).

https://www.ecoportal.net/en/countries/glifosato-una-recopilacion-de-pruebas/ (2018).--

https://surcosdigital.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Antologia-toxicol%C3%B3gica-del-glifosato-5-ed.pdf (2020)

The world's food supply is now so contaminated with the toxic herbicide glyphosate (Roundup) that nearly 60 percent of men have contaminated sperm.

Researchers in France published a study in the journal Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety revealing that three out of five sperm samples collected at a French infertility clinic showed high levels of glyphosate, the world's most widely used herbicide.

"The new research also found evidence of DNA impacts and a correlation between glyphosate levels and oxidative stress in seminal plasma, suggesting significant impacts on fertility and reproductive health," The Guardian (UK) reported on the article.

"We found concentrations of GLY (glyphosate) four times higher in sperm than in blood, likely corresponding to disruption of the blood-testis barrier," the researchers wrote in their article.

According to the Daily Expose , the Monsanto-made herbicide glyphosate is reportedly modifying children's genes and causing birth defects .

Robert Kennedy, Jr. On Suing Monsanto and the Dangers of Round-Up


https://100percentfedup.com/study-high-levels-glyphosate-found-nearly-60-sperm/ (05/24/2024).---

https://expose-news.com/2023/07/10/chemicals-permanently-alter-your-childs-genes/ (2023).--

The herbicide glyphosate, known to cause serious health problems, has been detected in 100 percent of food samples taken from the top 20 fast food brands in the United States.

https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/kids-fast-food-pesticides-glyphosate-school-lunches/ (10/18/2023).--

A follow-up study showed that several children's cereals were among the most contaminated food products with glyphosate. Levels were measured in parts per billion (ppb) and a reference value for children's consumption of glyphosate of 160 ppb was taken into account. Some of the most contaminated products with glyphosate are: at the link:


https://glyphocide.news/2024-04-19-avoid-harmful-chemicals-in-food-choose-organic.html (04/19/2024).--

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