The subconscious refers to everything that we have stored, "hidden", in our consciousness, and we cannot 'see' it with the naked eye, as happens with the submerged part of an iceberg. The information that we have stored in the subconscious, and which we cannot easily access, usually contains deep fears, repressed desires and traumatic experiences that, even consciously, we would not like to remember.

The Irish doctor Joseph Murphy, in his book “The Power of the Subconscious Mind”, maintains that it and thoughts influence our results; That is to say, the power of the mind directly interferes in the success and directions of our life, molding our destiny.

The mind is divided into two areas, with different functions: the conscious mind and the subconscious. The first is the objective part, responsible for making decisions, planning and storing short-term memories; and, the second, which constitutes almost 90% of our mind and where long-term memories, habits, behaviors and our beliefs are found, is the one that has the most power and that we do not know how to use.

Murphy argues that the subconscious is open to the power of suggestion, so that if we think about good things, they will come true, and if we think about bad things, they will also happen. Our subconscious does not argue with us, we program it and that's it. Therefore, it is essential to have constructive and positive suggestions and thoughts of harmony, health, and peace. All this will be accepted by the subconscious mind, turning it into reality.

Finally, he advises eliminating all negative thoughts and energies, such as anxiety, pessimism, fear and worries; stay away from all negativity, such as toxic news and people; visualize the life we want to have, and sleep 8 hours, since sleep is essential for inner peace, body health and spiritual recharge. Likewise, he suggests always having good thoughts about the people we live with, not holding grudges, resentments or bad feelings and wishing for others what we wish for ourselves, because what we feed is what we conquer.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NgHTklpc6Qk .---

https://lawyersofpakistan.com/wp-content/uploads/power-subconscious-mind.pdf .---

https://www.learnmindpower.com/using-mind-power/the-subconscious-synchronicity/ .---

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I like meditation and try to understand all states of mind. Meditation is a practice that allows us to reach the deepest part of our being and, through this, discover the different dimensions of our mind.

According to the yogic culture, the mind has three areas of manifestation or dimensions and an integration in Turiya. The one we know best is the conscious or waking state.

But the subconscious level corresponds to the dream state. When we dwell in this plan every night we lose awareness of the physical body and the senses become disconnected. But the mind is still active using the material stored in memory. Most dreams are a product of our conditioning and represent an escape and digestion valve for our internal tensions and contradictions. The third dimension of the mind is related to the state of deep sleep. When we enter, we are totally unaware of our existence. Consciousness is disconnected from the physical body and thought. Since there is no mental activity, we live in a state of complete bliss from which we remember nothing when we wake up. All we have left is a magnificent feeling of recovery and rest.

While the conscious and subconscious mind have an individual character, the unconscious level is collective and we can identify it with the universal mind where all the information about the universe and existence is included. In the state of meditation the individual mind is reintegrated into the universal mind where it acquires and realizes its full potential.

The consummation of meditation is the harmonization and integration of the three levels of the mind and is also called the Turiya state. It is the fourth state or transcendental dimension, beyond the habitual mind and it is not possible to define it with the intellect. This state represents the culmination of the perfection of the human being.

TURIYA or the fourth state is that state in which the individual soul rests in its own Sat-Chit-Ananda Svarupa or the highest Brahmic consciousness during Nirvikalpa Samadhi. There are three states, Jagrat, Svapna and Sushupti, for a Jiva spinning in the mire of Samsara. Turiya is that state which transcends these three states. Hence the Turiya or the fourth. Turiya is Atman or Brahman.

As we go through the states of wakefulness, sleep, and sleep, we consider them our only reality. Pujya Gurudevshri, while describing the states, brings to light a fourth state of our consciousness and explains how to manifest it for our spiritual elevation.

Turiya is not a state apart from the denser states, but rather permeates all levels of reality as superconsciousness. Ramana Maharshi interprets turiya as the natural state that permeates the other states, the only total reality. (4) The Mandukya Upanishad analyzes turiya as pure consciousness, which is indescribable, incomprehensible and unthinkable to the mind, but which is ultimately realized as the one true self.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qrenzJB4fKw .----

https://www.sivanandaonline.org/?cmd=displaysection&section_id=752 .---

https://www.ananda.org/yogapedia/turiya/ .---

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-iRCObJpWz4 .---

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HHFFzECO_Ck .--


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