Linking with the first report, autism spectrum disorder is a complex disorder and multiple factors intervene in the development of autism disorder, such as genetic factors, epigenetic modifications and environmental factors. Therefore, the inheritance pattern is not completely known. ASD can be caused by a microdeletion of chromosome 16p11.2. Several genes associated with autism have been identified, including the PTCHD1, 9 11 HOX, CHD2, CHD8, FOXP2, SHANK3, and OXTR genes (Table 1).

Environmental factors can cause ASD, such as viral infections or taking medications during pregnancy, since the placenta is an imperfect barrier that limits what enters the fetus and therefore partially protects it. Materials or chemicals can cross the placenta; Small nonpolar molecules that do not dissolve easily in water can cross the placenta easily, while large polar molecules can cross poorly. Those chemicals increase DNA methylation, providing evidence for possible epigenetic changes involved in ASD. Depending on the country, medications have different types of testing procedures and various companies have tested and rated medications based on their safety for use during pregnancy. There is a threshold and a sub-threshold effect, an abnormality for the fetus is generally not expected. Additionally, it is important to consider gestational age in case of exposure to teratogens. The fetus is affected by teratogens during organ development. For this reason, some sources of teratogens can compromise the normal development of an organ. There is also growing evidence that air pollution could be one of the factors causing autism. Each chemical can be teratogenic and will depend on how much the mother consumes it. The lifestyle of a pregnant woman is important. During pregnancy, if she smokes or consumes alcohol, this can cause several problems in the fetus. Adopting a healthy diet is also important for the health of the fetus. The effects of these can occur during postnatal or prenatal life, meaning that if the mother has been exposed to teratogens during pregnancy, this will lead to abnormalities in brain development or various health problems in the fetus. Parental age at conception may also be associated with increased risk of autism. Consequently, serious problems such as prematurity or lack of oxygen can be faced. This report is very complete

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8635813/ (2021)


Epigenetics helps us understand the interaction of genetics and environment in predisposition to autism. This report has many links


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Mar 3·edited Mar 3

In the case of chronic diseases like autism, which came first: the disease from the absence of vitamin D, or was the disease consuming the vitamin D faster than it was being produced? Was it something else that caused the autoimmunity to begin with?

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Isn't it interesting how vaccine free groups don't seem to have this problem?

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UK nurse presents studies showing Vitamin D saved 89% of COVID patients who were given bolus treatments.


High vitamin D saved 89% of patients from COVID-19 vs control group with no D who had 47% survival rate.

No government health care web sites are recommending vitamin D even though in double blind studies they saved 89% of the COVID-19 sick patients.

There are no downsides to vitamin D.

All the government bureaucracies say there are no immune modulation treatments, even though it is well documented and now proven vitamin D is a great immune modulator.

The double blind studies proved high vitamin D saved old compromised patients as well.

Vitamin D3 reduces mortality risk by 89%.

A study out of Spain by the Endocrine Society’s Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism.

Titled: Over 80% of Hospitalized COVID-19 patients Have Vitamin D Deficiency, Study Finds.

The Researchers found 80 percent of 216 COVID-19 patients at the Hospital Universitario Marques de Valdecilla had vitamin D deficiency, and men had lower vitamin D levels than women, COVID-19 patients with lower vitamin D levels also had raised serum levels of inflammatory markers such as ferritin and D-dimer.

Reference “Vitamin D Status in Hospitalized Patients With SARS-CoV-2 Infection” 27 October 2020, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism.

It’s been reported that men have been hit harder by COVID-19 than woman. Men having lower vitamin D levels correlates to their higher susceptibility.


5. Conclusions

In conclusion, we were able to report among frail elderly residents that bolus vitamin D3 supplementation taken during or just before COVID-19 was associated with less severe COVID-19 and better survival rate. No other treatment showed protective effect.

Vitamin D3 supplementation may represent an effective, accessible and well-tolerated treatment for COVID-19, the incidence of which increases dramatically and for which there are currently no treatments. Further prospective, preferentially interventional, studies are needed to confirm whether supplementing older adults with bolus vitamin D3 during or just before the infection could improve, or prevent, COVID-19.

Bolus are 40,000IU to 200,000 IU given weekly, biweekly or monthly.

So in the video he checked out France to see what they recommend people sick with COVID-19 take if they get sick. He looked around the world and in the every State of America, and not one single health department shared this ground breaking study on Vitamin D.

High dose vitamin D3 saved 89% of compromised 70-90 year olds, and not a word of it is mentioned.

Why do we have so many autoimmune problems? We have them because of the way vaccines are produced in GoF cultures with live genetic materials.(They are called viruses.). Often these injected viruses are hidden by your body to keep them from expressing. But there are at least 4 known mechanisms of virus activation. Stress is probably the first and biggest activator. Once activated, that's when your vitamin D's production often fails to keep up. Unless you live in Ca or Florida and you're out in the sun everyday you are likely to have deficiencies under the burden of foreign protein production.

You see those RDA levels for vitamin D look low, right? Those levels were probably fine in the early 1900's when people were outdoors more and they weren't pumping their veins full of instructions to produce foreign proteins.

Autoimmune diseases didn't arise because people were low in Vitamin D, they arose from molecular mimicry from the injections of immunogenic peptides depleting vitamin D stores.

When immunogenic peptides produce foreign(non-self) proteins they attach to cells, and the problem arises when the NKC's cells find them there. They initiate an all out assault on the non-self proteins which requires a lot of work from the hormone vitamin D's immune modulation efforts. When there is enough vitamin D, the Killer cells effectively target only the bad peptides while leaving your own intact. When vitamin D runs low, that's when your proteins also get attacked like a 'bull in a China shop.'

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