Excellent and relevant scientific report on the harms of vaccines. And now we also have mRNA technology, authentic genetic weapons against humanity. The C-19 “vaccine” is 115 times/11,361% more likely to cause a stroke in the recipient than flu vaccines.

https://dailyexpose.uk/2022/02/22/risk-of-stroke-due-to-covid-jab-increases-by-11361-percent/ (2022).—

Dr. Francis Boyle, author of 1989 Biological Weapons and Antiterrorism Act, releases affidavit confirming COVID “vaccines” are biological weapons of mass destruction (WMDs)

https://biologicalweapons.news/2024-06-12-francis-boyle-affidavit-covid-vaccines-weapons-destruction.html (12/06/2024).---

We have 7 main reasons why fake mRNA vaccines are much deadlier than any other vaccine ever made and administered----

1). The mRNA injections were not even approved by the FDA (even the “emergency use authorization” was falsified because there were other alternatives available to combat Covid).----

2) They clog the vascular system with spike proteins, causing massive inflammation (MIS).---

3) There is no guarantee when the mRNA will stop producing toxic spike prions.---

4) They trick your cells and alter their natural function.---

5) Each injection and booster causes worsening autoimmune dysfunction and lower immunity against future infections.---

6) mRNA is an experiment and has never been shown to be safe or effective.---

7) Injections kill tested animals and human babies in the womb.----

https://vaccinedeaths.com/2023-04-18-7-reasons-mrna-covid-jabs-more-deadly.html (2023).--

The grand jury has released two interim reports exposing lies, cover-ups and misconduct related to COVID-19 by pharmaceutical companies, government health officials and prominent media figures.

https://greatgameindia.com/bombshell-grand-jury-report-exposes-shocking-covid-lies-and-government-cover-ups/ (05/30/2024).---

During a recent congressional hearing, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) sharply criticized career criminal Tony Fauci for his involvement in the mass genocide commission in C-19. The National Institutes of Health (NIH), the agency and its scientists received at least $710 million in royalties during the COVID-19 pandemic from late 2021 to 2023.

https://thepostmillennial.com/breaking-marjorie-taylor-greene-confronts-fauci-you-should-be-prosecuted-for-crimes-against-humanity#google_vignette (03/06/2024).---

https://nypost.com/2024/06/02/opinion/nih-scientists-made-710m-in-royalties-from-drug-makers-a-fact-they-tried-to-hide/ (06/02 /2024).----

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Vaccines are foreign protein instructions and toxic metals.

Through G of F vaccines insert protein making instructions your God given ID rejects. The problem is, your NKC's don't discover them before they take up into places where your own proteins belong. This causes autoimmunity. The rouleux effect in the blood is the result of an autoimmune reaction to syncytin originating from an outside source and lacking your personal toll receptors.

Syncytin is not what the liars at pubmed say, it is not the product of evolution which is a satanic lie. Your body has a retrovirus(genetic instructions) called HERV(Human Endogenous Retrovirus) that issues instructions for things related to the blood. One very well known instruction is to produce the protein in a newly forming placenta, to form tight junctions around a growing baby in utero.

This entire paper at PubMed(https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8765258/) is a coverup for Gain of function vaccine induced autoimmunity against syncytin. Yes, the foreign syncyin that's been injected to 99.5% of the USA is strongly associated with many aggressive cancers like prostate cancer, and many autoimmune conditions.

This disgusting paper is a coverup for the vaccine lobby. God made syncytin for each individual. Any protein instructions originating from another source will be rejected, just like in an organ transplant.

Vaccines caused these problems and they are trying to pull the wool over everyones eyes in a classic CYA move with the lie it evolved or magically transmitted from animals to humans. Not by itself! It needed help. That's what gain of function research was for.

These criminals need to be held accountable. But how? Most people refuse to address these issues. They want to live in their comfortable bubbles and enjoy the amenities of life, while that life is being taken away from them.

The slow boiling frog in the pot is happening. We need a ground swell of people waking up to what they are doing. And that includes what they are doing with nanotech, and the ugly truth that they are assaulting us from the air(chemtrails), ground(contaminated food and water supply.)

Chlorine Dioxide corrects polarity and restores voltage in the cells which corrects rouleux(micro clotting.)

The COVID mRNA are not just genetic shots. They are inserting magnetic, highly conductive metals and polymers made from 6 phthalates. These are cationic lipids containing cesium 137, which is necessary for self assembling nanorouters to connect humans to wireless technologies. The self assembling nanoparticles also assemble nanobots, little robots that read your health stats, and even your mind. These are the substances forming the novel clots as 'self assembling nano particles.'

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