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Asia is home to the largest number of the world's oldest people. Their high capacity to live more than 100 years goes hand in hand with daily work and diets that they constantly apply to their lives. Among the habits of these people, the search for meditation, health, sports and correct nutrition based on ancestral diets stands out. Regarding this last point, breakfast is a fundamental part of achieving the desired 'eternal life'. The traditional Japanese breakfast is made up of 'teishoku'. Teishoku is the Japanese word for a set of pre-selected food set served in many Japanese restaurants, usually including a main dish, rice, a side dish and a soup

Unlike our breakfasts, in Japan there are always, or almost always, four dishes. Among them, there is rice, miso soup, fish (grilled) and green tea. This nomenclature of carbohydrates, vegetables and fermented foods is what makes the meal balanced and nutritious.

A reference for 'eternal life' worldwide is Mika Takishima. She is the oldest coach in the world at 90 years old. This influential woman has stated that her breakfast consists of roasted horse mackerel or salmon, natt (fermented soybeans), eggs, tofu, kimchi (fermented cabbage) and nukazuke (rice bran pickles).

In an attempt to find out the keys to having a long and healthy life and pursuing the dream of eternal life, a group of researchers from the Novo Nordisk Foundation Protein Research Center at the University of Copenhagen (Denmark) have discovered that combination of intestinal bacteria and bacterial viruses of these people could influence the prevention of diseases.

In the Asian country it is very normal to be over 80 and there are villages like Ogimi where centenarians live with enviable vitality, says Saber vivir Spanish TV,

The health media explains that they follow a healthy and balanced diet low in ultra-processed foods, but there is a fermented food that could be the key to Japanese vitality and longevity: natto.

It is a traditional Japanese food made from soybeans soaked in water that are boiled or steamed. It is then mixed with a bacteria called Bacillus subtilis var and allowed to ferment, the health media details. In numbers, 60% of Japanese love natto

https://iamafoodblog.com/teishoku-breakfast-how-to-make-a-traditional-japanese-breakfast-set/ .----

https://www.pinterest.es/pin/623537510902151307/ .---

https://kome-academy.com/en/teishoku_library/ .----

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QZP2RHTIYRE .---

Fermented foods are consumed in several European countries and the popularity of specific fermented foods can vary from region to region. However, some countries in Europe have a long history of consuming fermented foods as part of their traditional diets. Below are some European countries where fermented foods are commonly enjoyed:

1. Germany: Germany is known for its sauerkraut, which is fermented cabbage, as well as various types of fermented sausages and bread.

2. France: French cuisine includes a variety of fermented foods such as cheese, wine, and sourdough bread. French cheeses like Roquefort and Brie are famous for their unique fermentation processes.

3. Russia: Fermented foods are an integral part of Russian cuisine. Examples include sauerkraut (kapusta kiszona), kefir, kvass (a fermented drink), and fermented cucumbers.

4. Eastern Europe: Eastern European countries, including Poland, Hungary, and Ukraine, have a tradition of consuming fermented foods such as pickled vegetables, kefir, and various types of fermented dairy products.

5. Scandinavia: Fermented fish, known as surströmming in Sweden, and various forms of fermented dairy such as Icelandic skyr and Norwegian brunost are popular in Scandinavia.

6. Balkan Peninsula: Fermented foods such as yogurt, sauerkraut, and pickled peppers are commonly enjoyed in the countries of the Balkan Peninsula, including Greece, Bulgaria, and Serbia.

7. Italy: Italy is known for its aged and fermented cheeses such as Parmesan and Pecorino, as well as its fermented sausages such as salami.

8. Spain: Spanish cuisine features fermented foods such as olives, vinegar, and fermented sausages such as chorizo.

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