The evidence shows that the main moral and economic claims that justify the global market are very big lies that get bigger and bigger. The tirelessly proclaimed doctrine that the global market brings “more wealth for all” when, in fact, irreproachable trade evidence shows the opposite reality on the ground and around the world. because it is undeniable that the poor have lost almost half of their share of the world's wealth, while the richest have multiplied theirs at the same time. Global competition means, in fact, that the livelihoods and security of the majority continue to decline as the environment is plundered and polluted on ever greater scales of predation.

The livestock and agriculture of small producers is seriously threatened. The destruction of soils by intensive agriculture reaches the limit that intensive agricultural soils have the least carbon content. Industrial agriculture uses monocultures, synthetic overfertilization, intensive tillage, separates agriculture and livestock, causes the breakdown of agroecological cycles, uses polluting energies, the complete opposite of organic agriculture. Soil degradation is brutal for the ecosystem, about half of the chemically degraded soils are exhausted and without organic matter.

Monoculture acts against the ecological cycle of farmland. Regenerative Agriculture actively works in harmony with nature. Regenerative practices such as no-till farming, composting, cover crops, crop rotation, organic cropping, and managed grazing can help mitigate the negative impacts of monoculture.

The land must be regenerated in a symbiosis between agriculture and livestock. We cannot allow cross-pollination where pollen from new varieties can reach natural plants and modify their genetics. In addition to cross-pollination during cultivation, there are many other stages of the food chain in which contamination from transgenic organisms can occur, from grain transportation and storage to processing stages.

Industrial agriculture is degenerating agricultural land. For example, residue from Bt corn plants after turning the soil after harvest inhibits their ability to breathe (produce carbon dioxide), also reduces mycorrhizal colonization, and seriously alters bacterial populations within the soil ecosystem. This soil function is vitally important to regulate plant growth and vitality and to increase the availability of minerals and nutrients.

Agriculture together with regenerative livestock farming is a true incentive for the goal of true holistic “regenerative organic” agriculture without the consumption of chemicals, which must take a more holistic approach that also encompasses the well-being of farmers and animals, in a process to which Rodale, Steiner, Holmgren etc., pioneers of the organic regeneration movement, contributed.

What Mother Nature has done for 10,000 years in agriculture, and modification by laboratory design are not the same, is to ignore human agricultural culture, developed by millions of peasants in thousands of different biogeographic and climatic situations, that has respected natural mechanisms throughout this time, selecting new varieties of populations originated by crossing until finding and stabilizing the appropriate phenotype. These processes of adaptation and adjustment of the characteristics of crops carried out by agricultural communities over the years also permanently test their impacts on human health and the environments where new varieties are generated. Let's fight for the survival of Mother Nature.

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Vegetarianism is anti-God, just like Gays and trannies, global warming, and belief in the vaccine cult.

Every major issue comes down to a battle between God's order and mans desire to be his own god. That's why Jesus said, have I not said, ye are gods? He was quoting from the old testament. The book of John confirms Jesus was with the Father from the beginning, and that all things were made by and through him.

This is where the fundamental battle lines are drawn. After Eve was tempted in the garden, and she handed the forbidden fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil to Adam, God confronted them and said, behold, ye are now one of us.

They wanted to be their own gods, deciding for themselves what was right and wrong so they could rationalize how they could do things God opposed. It's called the sin nature and we all have it. It's when we acknowledge it and bring everything back into subjection to Christ that we are set from the bond of iniquity.

So every liberal idea stems from the desire to be a god, because they don't want to submit to the one true God.

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