the world upside down, the promotion of the disease is in the food in the environment. The importance of knowing what emerging contaminants are is that every day we face them in pharmaceuticals, household cleaning and personal care products, and in food. It is estimated that a source of pollution is untreated urban wastewater and effluents from wastewater treatment plants, since these substances end up being released into surface water, into the soil. Studies reveal that the main effects of exposure of different fish species to estrogenic compounds include alteration of sexual development, as well as changes in mating behavior, reduction of reproductive success and alterations of the endocrine system.

These changes can be expressed later in the life cycle or even in future generations. This affects humans who have reported low sperm count and deterioration in male reproductive health and, on the other hand, breast cancer in women, as a consequence of increasing exposure to these compounds. Pharmaceutical industries, hospitals and treatment plants oppose legislation for in situ disposal because it involves high costs in treatments to eliminate harmful compounds before they are released into the environment.

DES is a synthetic estrogen that has been used as an agent to prevent miscarriage in pregnant women. The most pronounced effects seen in DES daughters include structural abnormalities in the reproductive organs, adverse reproductive outcomes, and cancers of the reproductive system, including the vagina, cervix and breast https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1521693423001013  (2024).-- https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/obr.13738  (2024).-- https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/1559325820916949  (2020).-- https://www.euractiv.com/section/agriculture-food/news/eu-commission-moves-to-ban-bisphenol-a-in-food-packaging/  (2024).-

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The eggs I get from the amish farm market are advertised as corn and soy free. They are replacing the corn and soy feed with flax. Does that mean the eggs have the negative pufa fat content present in the flax (linseed) oil? I am at a loss as to what I'm supposed to eat, I thought I was doing well with the eggs from a good source. I guess all I can eat is grass fed beef, I don't have access to good high quality fruit as Dr Mercola does in FL, not to mention the cost of it.

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Sometimes we can read too much and then be paralyzed with fear. Don't live like that. What the consensus seems to be among dieticians is to eat little to know processed food, exercise, and stay hydrated. I think they all agree on that. Eat a variety of foods that you are not allergic to or overly sensitive to. Don't overdue anything. Make sure you have no nutrients deficiencies that aren't being addressed. Get on with life. Be informed but not obsessed and fearful.

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If this is true then why was it a part of a successful cancer protocol known as Budwig?

I personally know a guy who had prostate cancer and beat it using the budwig remedy. He's been cancer free for about 10 years now.

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The article states, “Flaxseeds also contain lignans, a type of phytoestrogen, which can mimic estrogen and contribute to hormonal imbalances, increasing the risk of conditions like breast cancer.”

I have been taking Dr. Mercola’s “Lignans with Lycopene” which is advertised as “Designed to support hormone balance, Lignans with Lycopene assists your body in balancing estrogen levels and promotes healthy estrogen metabolism.”

I’m concerned with what appears to be a contradiction.

Dr.Mercola and team, can you comment on this?


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Jun 6Edited

Here's an article about flaxseeds, which clearly shows they are not linoleic acid and they are very anti-inflammatory.


Flaxseeds are Alpha Linolenic Acid(ALA), not linoleic acid. They are mostly omega 3 with some good omega 6. They have been shown in studies to be good for heart health and immunity and they are a great source of both soluble and insoluble fiber.

What's not covered in the article is that flaxseeds and flaxseed oil are rich in electrons. Biochemist Johanna Budwig in the 50's noted that by combining the fat with a sulfer rich food called Quark, and substituted with Cottage cheese, it restored the electrical potential in cells.

I know someone personally who had prostate cancer. His doctor wanted to give him chemotherapy and he opted to find an alternative. He discovered and applied a cancer therapy known as the Budwig remedy. It completely cured his cancer and he's been cancer free for over 10 years.

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